Monday, December 20, 2010

"Thoughts for a Life That Counts" by Neal Hatfield

I truly believe that seeking the will of GOD for your life is only second to your salvation, these are the two highest priorities in life and eternity. If these two are not right in your life everything else will be failure. I want to share some quotes with you to meditate on as you pray and seek HIS face.

“Faith is not believing GOD can, it is knowing that HE will”-Unknown
“A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner”-Unknown
“Any simpleton can follow the narrow path in the light: Faith’s rare wisdom enables us to march on in the dark.”
-C.H. Spurgeon
“Courage, my heart! Go little by little, for many littles will make a great whole.”-C.H. Spurgeon”
“True greatness does not come to those who strive for worldly fame; it lies instead with those who choose to serve in JESUS name.”- DeHaan
”The most common reasons for not pursuing a dream or goal are fear of failure or the uncertainty of success. If you wait for the perfect conditions, you will most likely never act.”-Ron Edmonston
“When you can’t track GOD trust HIM”-Lester Roloff
“He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”- Jim Elliot
“Only one life will soon be past, only what is done for CHRIST will last.”-Unknown
“If GOD be your partner, make your plans large.”-D.L. Moody
“Something is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers.”-Francis Chan
“Every generation has a duty to the next.”-Unknown
“We talk of the second coming; half of the world has never heard of the first”-Oswald J. Smith
“There are no crown wearers in heaven, who were not cross bearers on earth.”-C.H. Spurgeon
“Inspiration may move us to start, but passion drives us to finish.”-Unknown
“Those who turn back will never reach the summit.”-H. Jackson Brown
“Unshakable faith is faith that has been shaken.” -Unknown
“Leaders are not born into the family of GOD, they are made in the refining fires of life.”-Neal Hatfield
“Keep your eyes on JESUS!”-Neal Hatfield
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”-JESUS

"Radicals for Christ" by Neal Hatfield

"Radicals for Christ" is what I would call the World Changers who came to CORE Camp.  We trained middle school, high school, and college age champions to share their faith.

We invaded Appalachian State University on The Rock at the Appalachian vs. Wofford game.  These Warriors shared Christ with as many as they could.  There were over 30,000 attending that particular game.

We then cut them loose to text as many of their unsaved friends as they could and lead them to Christ.  It is so cool to see people get saved.

I believe God is raising up an army of radical young people who can reach this generation.  I can't wait to see what God does at camp this summer.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Finally...Pics from CORE Camp

Enjoy these pics from our rockin' weekend!  God really moved in some big ways.  May we remember that sharing His Gospel is something we are called to our whole life long.

 The Whole Gang!
Witnessing at the Applachian  State Football Game
 Go B.J.!
 Jesus Christ changed many hearts during the weekend
Yes...there's a person in there.  Go team Hatfield!